The Basement, Chateau Belew.
The sun is shining. The sky is blue.
Rising at 05.01, a good morning so far. Developing ideas for the new piece Ade & I were working on yesterday, and developing new guitar skills.
12.37 Today's Soundscapes set: 52 minutes. I have over-run the allotted 45 minutes & my wages will be docked for infringing on the next artist. Well, as it's a test-run, I get paid the same. That, and a deep in-breath, will fill my lungs with air.
A more adventurous approach to Soundscaping today, visiting different colours, textures & programmes. Ken was the only audient/ce. And since Ken was attending to e-mail, he wasn't overly critical of the R&D
14.55 A good workout of Up The Hill Forwards with Ade. Ken has now left for the day & given me a CD of this morning's Soundscapes.